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Achieve your challenging goals

Service Health Check

We perform a Service Health Check to asses if you are leveraging the full potential of your Service Business. This is a crucial question as Service Business normally is profitable business with considerable growth potential

Service Culture

The base for a company culture are its core values. The best strategy only works if it is supported by a strong corporate culture lived by the whole organization. It’s not the strategy that makes the difference at the end, it’s the culture !

Path to Success

We follow a defined path with clear steps to develop the Service Business and leverage the existing customer base. Each of these steps can be done independent, the right mix and combination of them is the route to a new horizon

Practical Elements

​We support you in bringing the Service Business to a new horizon through assessments, workshops, activity templates, dash boards to display and communicate the progress

Business Transparency

To avoid Service business risks requests the implementation of non-financial KPI’s (early indicators) to monitor trends and react early before it has an impact to the financial KPI’s

Interim Management

I am an experienced and well-rounded business professional with international leadership expierence who is flexible, time-wise and also geographically to support you in case of lack of resources 


Service Health Check

​We perform a Service Health Check to asses if you are leveraging the full potential of your Service Business. This is a crucial question as Service Business normally is profitable business with considerable growth potential


We have the know-how, experience and the network of partners

Are you leveraging the full of your Service Potential? This is a crucial question as Service Business normally is profitable business with considerable growth potential It can be worthwhile the effort to first check the fitness of your Service Organization and Business Performance before launching major actions and improvement programs We offer a concise and focused check of your Service Business in 2 – 3 days Service Health Check PDF download It answers questions like: - How committed is the company towards its Service Business? - How is the financial performance? - What is the untouched potential? - Are there early indicators in place that may have an impact on the financial performance? - Is the Service Strategy aligned with the strategy of the company? - How good is the installed base documented? - How is the Service Portfolio defined and how is it rolled out? - How dedicated is the organization towards Service? - Is there a career path in place for the Service Staff? - Is there a Service Training landscape in place including soft skills trainings? - What happens with good ideas from the field? Are they shared with other colleagues? - How does the company get customer feedback? - What happens with that feedback? - What tools are in place (sales lead management etc.) The results of this check is a health map showing strengths and weaknesses of your Service Organization and suggested actions and measures to improve it The output is: - Presentation to the management - A Roadmap to support the planning of resources - Action plan with proposed next steps

Path to Success

​We follow a defined path with clear steps to develop the Service Business and leverage the existing customer base. Each of these steps can be done independent, the right mix and combination of them is the route to a new horizon


We follow a defined path with clear steps to develop the Service Business and leverage the existing customer base Management Commitment and Service Culture Management commitment is the key to the success of organizational changes. It’s the cement that provides the critical bond between employees and the change process. It means: - Invest into resources such as time, energy, and money to achieve the expected change or outcome - Communicate and repeat the goals consistently over time - Reject ideas or short term benefits which are not in line with the long-term goals and strategy Leadership influences the organization to strive for excellent customer service. Employees will believe and live the companies Vision, Mission and Values when they see it being implemented and lived at the top A service culture exists when you motivate the employees in your organization to take a customer-centric approach to their regular duties and work activities This leads to : - Increase of customer satisfaction and achieve higher NPS scores - Raise of market reputation - Development of employee satisfaction - Retention of staff - Competence retaining - Improve of market share - Improve of turnover and profit Sales and service employees put customer needs first when presenting solutions and providing support. Other employees work behind the scenes to ensure customers get a good product experience Developing a service culture requires time and consistency and it has to be part of the business strategy Define the Service Strategy It is important, that the company strategy contains a service elements. By experience, a lot of companies are talking how important service is, but it is not part of the allover strategy. The service business is considered as: It runs ! In addition to all the traditional Services, an updated Service Strategy covers areas such as Digital Services, Smart Services, IT-Security Services and Cloud Services to name a few A clear distinction between the Service itself, a Service Level and the way the Service is delivered is very vital Establish the business plan Another step is the adequate and practical translation of a strategy into a business plan which will lead the way to success. Only the strong involvement of the second management level and below will assure this - it is a question of involvement and empowerment. Furthermore, the plan has to be realistic and in line with the strategy, ambitious but achievable and implementable. Measure the success: financial and non-financial KPI's The final measures of a company are the financial KPI’s such as profit, free cash flows, ROCE, book to bill ration, networking capital etc. These are the figures the different stakeholders are looking at However, these are figures seen in the mirror, they are behind us. Managing a company requests also non-financial KPI’s (early indicators) to monitor trends and react early before it has an impact to the financial KPI’s These non-financial KPI’s can be as simple as the number of Service contracts, the number of units connected remotely, or the number of Software Upgrades The combination of both, financial and non-financial KPI's, is key Embed the strategy into practice Having implemented financial and non-financial KPI’s allows benchmarking amongst the countries or even the branch offices. The purpose of benchmarking is not finger pointing to the bad performers, but learning from the best performers, document what the success factors are and share this with the other countries. Based on these success factors, guiding principles can be defined. These are improvement measures that should be lived every day and which are part of the company culture. Experience from various companies show, that the good ideas and improvement measures are coming from the field. Sales staff, service technicians who have regular contact with customers know what is expected and what can be improved


Business Transparency

​To avoid Service business risks requests the implementation of non-financial KPI’s (early indicators) to monitor trends and react early before it has an impact to the financial KPI’s

The final measure of a company are the financial KPI’s such as profit, free cash flows, ROCE, networking capital etc. These are the figures different stakeholders are looking at However, these are figures seen in the mirror, they are behind us. To avoid Service business risks requests to implement also non-financial KPI’s (early indicators) to monitor trends and react early before it has an impact to the financial KPI’s A pre-requirement for a profitable Service Business is an Installed Base (Customer base) and the documentation of that Installed Base. The Installed Base serves as input to the Service Strategy, Service Portfolio and the Set-Up of the Service Organization

Service Culture

​The base for a company culture are its core values. The best strategy only works if it is supported by a strong corporate culture lived by the whole organization. It’s not the strategy that makes the difference at the end, it’s the culture !




The base for a company culture are its core values. The best strategy only works if it is supported by a strong corporate culture lived by the whole organization. It’s not the strategy that makes the difference at the end, it’s the culture ! What are the values the organizations is standing for ? Is there a culture of taking ownership of customers complains ? Do the individuals act as if it is their own company ? A service culture exists when the employee are motivated to take a customer-centric approach to their regular duties and work activities Developing a service culture requires time and consistency and it has to be part of the business strategy


Practical Elements

​​We support you in bringing the Service Business to a new horizon through assessments, workshops, activity templates, dash boards to display and communicate the progress

Moving an organization to a more service oriented company takes management commitment, time, effort and passion. A change of culture will require time and passion. It needs assessments, workshops, activity templates, dash boards to display and communicate the progress. Such a change process needs the involvement of the customers and the suppliers Examples of practical elements : - Training Landscape -Career paths (also for technicians) - Portfolio streamlining and roll out - Benchmarking - Best Practice sharing - Customer Events and user groups - Newsletters, regularly updated - Booklets

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